home electrical fire hazards

When it comes to preventing house fires, there are plenty of obvious areas to focus on. Most of us know that grills, stoves, fireplaces, candles, and ashtrays are potential electrical fire hazards and need to be closely monitored. We might even be more cautious with some appliances like toasters or hair dryers. Although we may not be able to see them as easily, or tend to think about them as often, the dangers that are posed by the basic electrical infrastructure of our homes can be just as important. Wires, outlets, light bulbs, circuit breakers, and our everyday electronics can all be potential sources for electric fires. Here are some tips that will help keep you and your family safe from risk.

Broken is Bad

There are plenty of reasons why we might like to keep appliances, gadgets and all of their cords and batteries around when they become damaged. Who wants to spend more money because of a little frayed wire? One reason not to keep them around is much more important—they are electrical fire hazards. When batteries become old or damaged, wires get frayed and loose, and lamps routinely blow lightbulbs, it is time to think about replacement. These small problems might not seem that important, especially when you think about the cost and hassle of replacement, but caution is always the right approach. Using frayed wires and older batteries can compromise electronics and the outlets they are plugged into, so always try and replace them when possible.

Temporary Fixes

We all have certain times and projects that require quick fixes. For electrical systems, this can mean using an extension cord or jury-rigging a power solution. As long as you are vigilant while using these temporary solutions, the danger of an electrical fire is minimal. But always be sure to find a more appropriate, permanent power supply once you are done. Don’t let temporary fixes become permanent.

Replace or Repair to Avoid Electrical Fire Hazards

The same approach that will help you stay safe with appliances and electronics can be helpful for other parts of your home. One of the best ways to prevent electrical fires is to take a full inventory of your home or residence. Make a note of any areas and electrical systems that seem old, out-of-date, or likely to cause problems. This could range from fuses that are tripped often, to lights that flicker long after they are turned on, to outlets that are loose. Compile a list and present it to a licensed electrician the next time you have an opportunity. An electrician will also be able to point out electrical fire hazards that you might have missed or overlooked.

getting a Electrical System Checked

Hiring qualified Denver electricians with the proper credentials to work on your home or business is one of the easiest ways to avoid any problems down the road. For many people, this concern only tends to come up when construction or home improvement projects are on the agenda. Through years of experience in the industry, Piper Electric has learned that it is important to maintain and routinely check electrical systems that are already in place. Here are a few tips to follow when it comes to routine inspections at residential and commercial properties. 

How Often Should You Have Your Electrical System Checked?

Always start with common sense. Older electrical systems that have been in place for years or decades should always warrant closer attention and more frequent inspection than newer ones. If you live in an older home, routine inspections should be done more often. Buildings that have been constructed using more recent code standards are less likely to present problems.

For newer homes that are more likely to be up to code, an inspection once a decade is most often sufficient. For older homes, cutting that time period in half is probably a good bet, or even once every three years. Always be sure to hire a certified electrician for your inspections, as they will be able to point out any areas that are not up to building codes or local laws. 

Electrical Inspections Denver

One of the easiest ways to make inspections more effective and quicker for you and your electrician is to keep a log of any potential problems. A homeowner’s log is a great way to keep a record of construction and maintenance done on your home, making it easier to remember routine services. When electrical issues do come up, make a note of them so that your electrician can assess potential issues come inspection time. Loose outlets, dead bulbs, frayed wires or blown fuses are often indicators of larger problems.

Inspections also serve an important role when upgrading energy infrastructure. Today, more and more homeowners are proactive when it comes to green energy solutions and electric vehicles. Anytime the energy demands of your household change significantly, a general inspection is a good idea. This will ensure that your building’s infrastructure will be able to handle upgrades you may be interested in making. This includes purchasing appliances that draw large amounts of electric power like ovens, as well as washers and dryers.

Certified Denver Electricians

If you’re in the Denver metro area and believe your home’s electrical system needs inspection, or if you have any electrical-related questions, please contact our Denver electrician experts. We’re here for you.