Have You Used Piper Electric? Recommend Us!
- “The best news I have about renovating my 1929 home is working with Piper Electric.”
- “From problem evaluation to completed project, I know that Piper will perform for me like they are part of my business.”
- “Because of your professionalism, conscientiousness, and dedication to your business and customers, I shall continue to call on Piper Electric and recommend Piper to others.”
These are a few of the hundreds of comments we have received from you, our customers, during the last 31 years. We take great pride knowing that 27,000 service calls have satisfied you and cemented us as the top Denver electrical contractor. But we couldn’t have done it without your loyal support and eagerness to recommend us to your friends, family, and colleagues.
Your Recommendations to Others Mean a Lot to Us!
If you have had an experience with Piper Electric like Jennifer did, consider passing on a good word about us. Jennifer had us install service upgrades and new circuits in her home. She said this about the Piper Electric employee: “He was professional, polite, and intelligent, and took the time to walk with me through the house before submitting the initial bid.” She added: “He wasn’t condescending and was very clear without being either overly technical or overly simplifying in his explanations.” In fact, the inspector on the project was also complimentary of Piper Electric’s professional team: “They have worked hard to earn their good reputation,” he said.
Have You Had a Similar Experience?
We are proud to receive feedback like this consistently, and many of you have made similar comments to people you know who are looking for Denver electrician recommendations. Your positive recommendations, feedback, and loyalty—more than anything else—makes our employees proud to work at PECI . We treat every customer the same, every project like our own, which is why you continue to use and recommend us.
If you know someone looking for Denver electrician recommendations, think of Piper Electric We thank you for all you have done for us already and for your continued support. We assure you that anyone you send to us will have the same feelings about Piper Electric as Pat did: “Professional, friendly, informative. I was very pleased.”