Ben Stuckey
Ben has been in the electrical construction industry for more than 23 years and has experience as a licensed electrician working in the field, management, estimating, design, and business leadership. Most of Ben’s field experience is in industrial process-type facilities focusing primarily on motors and controls. Ben's leadership abilities have been further strengthened because of his field management experience and several years as Piper Electric’s chief estimator. This solid foundation, combined with an electrical master's license in multiple States, including a formal business administration and finance education, provide the framework needed for business management and leadership.
Years in Industry?
Favorite Project in Your Career?
RMMC 8/10 oz. can conversion
What Do You Like Best at Piper Electric?
The opportunities available for anyone who works hard.
Favorite Hobbies?
Climbing, Mountaineering, Trail Running
Drink of Choice?
On Your Way To Work, You Typically Listen To....?
Leadership Podcasts
Favorite Restaurant / Food?
All of them!
Inspiring Quote to Live By?
"People with good intentions make promises but people with good character keep them.”
Most Interesting Place Traveled?
The Superpower You Would Want?
To be able to fly like Superman.