Across the nation, the statistics are growing in favor of the number of electrical issues older homes pose. Outdated systems and materials cause a variety of electrical problems. Did you move into a house with old electrical wiring? Or purchase a commercial building that needs updated electrical? Don’t worry; outdated electrical issues can be fixed. Below we share the top four common dangers of old electrical wiring in older homes and provide helpful solutions.  

First, we are going to talk about outdated wiring. Many older homes have aluminum wiring, or what is called knob and tube wiring; these standards are to be considered unsafe for today’s electrical rules and regulations. These types of electrical wiring techniques are at more risk for fire hazards and risk for deterioration. This wiring issue occurs not only in homes but also in commercial buildings. What’s the solution? The best solution is to hire a professional electrical contractor, such as Piper Electric, to change your outdated wiring needs. This is not a task that should be tackled as a DIY project; often, there will need to be a city inspection to ensure ultimate safety and protection.

Second, there are ungrounded outlets. Proper grounding is critical for safety because your home may be at risk for electrical fires or even electrical shocks. A grounded outlet in 2024 has three-prong plugs, while ungrounded outlets have two-prong plugs. Two-prong plugs will always be considered old wiring. The best solution to something of this caliber is to replace electrical outlets for proper grounding by residential electricians.

Third, there could be a lack of GFCIs, which stand for Ground Fault Circuit Interpreters. These devices are essential in preventing electrical shocks in wet areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, garages, and outdoor outlets. GCFIs monitor the current flow from hot to neutral in the electrical circuit. When the device detects an imbalance, it trips the circuit, cutting off electricity and preventing harm. If you are still determining whether your home is up to date on this technology, it is best to reach out to an electrical professional to assist you with further needs.

Finally, the fourth common danger of outdated electrical wiring is a faulty or outdated electrical panel. Outdated electrical panels are dangerous for several reasons:

  1. The aging component provides wear and tear that will degrade and loosen connections over time. It can also cause corrosion; this is a risk of electrical faults and fires.
  2. Old panels don’t have an adequate capacity. Modern houses have a higher demand for electricity due to the household’s number of appliances and electronics. A panel that cannot hold this amount of electricity will cause frequent tripping of breakers and blowing of fuses.
  3. Outdated electrical panels can lead to a fire risk due to obsolete or faulty wiring or electrical shock due to degraded insulation or exposed wiring. 

Contact an electrical professional if you think your electrical panel needs to be updated.

Above all, if you feel your residence needs updated electrical wiring, give us a call at, 303-422-9219, or schedule a free estimate online at, Electrical issues must be assessed by qualified electricians who can make professional recommendations and updates to ensure your safety.